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Diese Woche reden wir über Content Marketing. Wir klären, was man darunter versteht, was die Überlegungen dahinter sind, und wie man dabei überhaupt vorgehen sollte.
- Dribbble
- Folyo
- Patrick McKenzies Blog
- Real Company Shit
- Who is the biggest asshole in SEO?
- Keyword-Tool von Google
- HitTail
- FollowerWonk
- Amplification
- All Our Patent Are Belong To You
- MicroConf Europe Tickets
- Patrick McKenzie zu "Launching new products"
Hey Guys,
*Sorry for writing you in english! but I think, my writing German-skllis is not that good!
I live in Munich and working as automotive-consultant since last three years. I also believe in “nebenberuf startup” and that’s why I am also working as a App-developer, Web-technology consultant. I like your podcast much, it is very authentic. please keep it up!
You may also in include some of the following topics on your podcast:
1. Invite some guests speakers. Let me know if you want suggestions. I am happy to do so.
2. Talk about how to set up a landing page and what services do you use. most of them are coming from USA but if you know any resources in Germany.
3. What’s you stake on acquiring customers in early phase of MVP ( minimal viable product) in Germany? and how do you do that?
With best regards,
Hi Vishal,
it's so great to hear from you! We're glad to hear that you like the podcast.
We've started inviting people from time to the podcast. Episode 12 features Christian Gursky, and we'll have a guest on the next episode as well. Nonetheless, we'd love to hear your suggestions on people to invite to the podcast.
In episode 2, we talked a bit about landing pages. However we're also mostly relying on tools from the USA at the moment. Is there anything else you'd like to hear about landing pages? We can certainly do another episode about this…
Acquiring customers in the early MVP phase is a very good topic! Thanks a lot for this suggestion. I'll add it to our list of ideas for upcoming episodes.
Again, thanks for reaching out! We really appreciate your feedback.
My pleasure!
Hallo Jungs, habe Euch gerade am Unternehmer.fm Podcast gehört.
bin auf eure Seite gekommen und würde gerne wissen wie man mit Euch in Kontakt treten kann. Ich finde hier ja nichts auf der website. Kein Twitter account von Euch, email adresse oder ähnliches.
Würde Euch nämlich gerne für meinen Podcast interviewen.
Hi Thomas,
danke für den Hinweis. Ich habe das gleich mal verbessert und du findest jetzt Kontaktdaten rechts in der Menüleiste.
Viele Grüße
Cool Danke!
Bzgl. Outousrcing können wir uns gerne mal unterhalten beschäftige mich nämlich ziemlich mit diesem Thema.
Macht weiter so!
Euer Podcast ist echt erfrischend!